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quality drawers made for
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Blum Replacement
Blum Metabox Shallow sided Complete Replacement Drawer Kit, FROM £21.60
Blum Metabox Deep Pan Complete Replacement Drawer Kit, FROM £38.40
Blum Metabox (other options)
Blum Metabox (N height) Slim Under Oven drawer
Metabox Cutlery Tray - 450 runner length only
Blum Tandembox Soft Close Shallow, Complete Replacement Drawer Kit, FROM £39.60
Blum Tandembox Soft Close Deep Pan, Complete Replacement Drawer Kit, FROM £46.80
Blum Tandembox (Other Options)
Soft Close (N height) -Slim Under Oven drawer
Glass sides for Tandembox
Orga Line - for Tandembox
Blum Internal
Blum Metabox INTERNAL Shallow Drawer Kit, FROM £33.60
Blum Metabox INTERNAL Deep Pan Drawer Kit, FROM £42.00
Blum Tandembox Soft Close INTERNAL Shallow Drawer Kit, FROM £44.40
Blum Tandembox Soft Close INTERNAL Deep Pan, Drawer Kit, FROM £68.64
Blum Space Towers
& Saver Packs
Blum Metabox INTERNAL 3 Drawer Pack, 1 x Shallow & 2 x Deep Pan Drawers
Blum Tandembox Soft Close INTERNAL 3 Drawer Pack, 1 x Shallow & 2 x Deep Pan Drawers
Blum Metabox Space Tower, 1 x Shallow & 4 x Deep Pan Drawers from £213.60
Blum Tandembox Soft Close Space Tower, 1 x Shallow & 4 x Deep Pan Drawers from £264.00
Space Savers
Inc Plinth Pods
Tray Space solution
SPACE TWIN - Legrabox Made to Measure
Under Oven solution
Metabox N height Under oven drawer kit
Tandembox soft close N height Under Oven drawer kit
Plinth Drawer Solution
Plinth Pod (tm) Fully Assembled - Any size
Plinth Pods - more information
Plinth Pods - Fitting Instructions
Orga Line
Blum Orga Line - Cutlery Insert
Blum Orga Line - Utensil Divider
Plinth pods (tm)
Sales or advice
How-to videos
Blum lifetime warranty
Drawerboxes - Kitchen Drawers Specialist since 1990
Kitchen Drawers & Drawer Saver Packs
Plinth Pod, Made to measure Plinth Drawer
Your Cart
Plinth Pod, Made to measure Plinth Drawer
Plinth Pod with Blum Tandembox soft close Drawer. (Tip-On Push to Open) MADE TO MEASURE (assembled)
£ 117.60
Measuring guide
See All Options